Original spanish saffron

Original spanish saffron

    Price: 15.00$
    100% purity and natural quality without any preservatives or other added subtances

    Original Spanish Saffron

    Saffron is a spice derived from the plant family of roses. Often called the "king of spices”, it is highly valued because it is hand-picked and each plant produces a tiny amount of spice (one kilogram of saffron requires up to 170,000 flowers). Saffron has a spicy smell, a slightly bitter taste, and adds a vibrant orange-brown color to your dish. It is believed to cleanse toxins, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer-causing cells. Saffron's anti-oxidant properties inhibit the growth of cancer cells, improve bowel movement, may help lower blood cholesterol levels and improve memory.Mentally, herbal medical practitioners use saffron as an antidepressant.El Balbour spice mill owner Tony Kanaza believes that: "Saffron is such a nice spice, to such an extent that as soon as you see it you feel happy.”

    Elbabour offers high-quality saffron spice, hand-made and produced with love.